Multan Music Academy

Multan Music Academy is close to New Multan, Shaheenabad Colony, B Block, Multan City Tehsil, Multan District, Punjab, 60500

  • Address: Ghous Pura Block Z New Multan Colony, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Phone: +92 300 6363498
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 30.1990946, 71.5093344

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Multan Music Academy reviews

It's just better


2023-09-21 Zainab

The facilities at Multan Music Academy are top-notch. They have a well-equipped music room with all the necessary instruments and equipment.

2023-09-21 Ahmed

I have never had to wait for my music lessons at Multan Music Academy. They are always punctual and keep to the schedule.

2023-09-21 Fatima

The quality of music lessons at Multan Music Academy is excellent. The instructors are highly skilled and knowledgeable.

2023-10-06 Hassan

The ambience and decor at Multan Music Academy are very pleasant. The music room is cozy and inviting.

2023-10-11 Aisha

The customer service at Multan Music Academy is outstanding. The staff is friendly, helpful, and always willing to assist.

2023-10-16 Ali

The value for money at Multan Music Academy is great. The prices are reasonable and the quality of music education is worth it.

2023-10-21 Sana

My personal experience at Multan Music Academy has been amazing. I have learned so much and my musical skills have improved significantly.

2023-10-26 Usman

Overall, my experience at Multan Music Academy has been excellent. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for music lessons.

2023-10-31 Nida

The initial impression of Multan Music Academy was very positive. The atmosphere is friendly and welcoming.

2023-11-05 Bilal

The facilities at Multan Music Academy are great. They have practice rooms, recording studios, and even a performance space.

2023-11-10 Mariam

The wait time at Multan Music Academy is minimal. They have a well-organized system and I have never had to wait long for my turn.

2023-11-15 Hassan

The instructors at Multan Music Academy are highly skilled and experienced. They provide personalized instruction and cater to the individual needs of each student.

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